East Quogue Historical Society
P.O. Box 174 East Quogue New York
Tracing Fourth Neck, Atlanticville and East Quogue Schools
Researched by Carol Hulse Combes
1813- 1848

The first known school was held in the home of Halsey and Prudence Foster from 1813-1849, this was on the corner of Montauk Highway and north west corner of Central Avenue.
1848- 1852
The first dedicated school building was a one story building, on the corner of Montauk Highway and Walnut Avenue, where the St. Rosalie's Mission is today. When a new school had been built, this building was moved across the street by Ms. Ida Downs. Throughout the years it was a photo shop, ice cream shop, a piano shop, Lipitz dried good shop. In the 1920's it was added to the Methodist Church and became the Parrish Hall, where it remains in use today.
In 1852 Forth Neck changed it's name to Atlanticville. in 1860 the Foster family donated land to build a larger two room school house on Montauk Highway. This is west of what is today Ryder's Hardware. It was described by Anna Phillips Downs, as having two doors in the front, one for boys and one for girls. The cloak room was on the side. There was one large room with a partition for two classrooms if needed. It was used until the 1880's. When the larger two story schoolhouse was built behind this one, this building was moved across the street and used as a blacksmith shop. This building still exists today as the kitchen on the Halsey Commons House on the southwest corner of Halsey Avenue and Montauk Highway.

Remembrance of the East Quogue school as told By Arthur Jackson Sr. (1868-1929) and recorded by his son Arthur R. Jackson Jr.
From the Archives of William Jackson
In 1888 a larger one story school house was built behind the 1860 school. In 1895 Atlanticville became East Quogue.
This schoolhouse was originally a one story building that was built in 1893. The second story was added in 1903-1904. The School district was known as East Quogue School District #22 and in 1901 it was changed to East Quogue School District #17.
In 1902 the Board of Education voted to add a second story which was completed in 1905. The front lot for this school was donated by the Foster family, the back lot was rented from Mr. Ryder for fifteen dollars a year.
Bathrooms were added as an extension, then in 1905 water was added. George Baily was the principle at this time.In 1917 they added a sewage system and in 1918 toilets were installed. In 1922 the school was wired for electric lights. Until 1912 students from other towns attend school here. In 1922 students for the higher grades started to attend school in Westhampton Beach.

February 21, 1902

June 27, 1902
By 1905 a second story was added on to the school. Two previous teachers donated the bronze bell that could be heard ringing across the town. This bell is located today inside the current elementary school. By 1920 the school had electricity, indoor plumbing and two bathrooms. This building was torn down in 1958.

1. Helen Stanton
2. Georgeanna Jenkins
3. Unknown
4. Anna Zerbrowski
5. Stella Kominski
6. Harold Jackson
7. Roy Sekavoc
8. Douglas Edward
9. Frank Karpinski
10. Kenneth Carter
11. Grace Jones
12. Virgina Wright
13. Jean Reeve
14. Unknown
15. Lillian Jones
16. Chester Reeve
17 Unknown
18. Martin Overton

Picture taken about 1923

January 31, 1908

June 15, 1910

December 9, 1910

Circa 1910
Teacher is Miss. Thrall or Miss. Littlefield
Children Top Row Right to Left
Fanny Brown, Florence Sacks, Kathleen Smith Ohlhorst, Ethel Johnson, Gwenette Moore, Juanita Ryder, Margaret Fraser, Eleanor Overton Kohler, Mildred Thode Oliver, Alice Carter Kavan, Agnes Nugent Becken, Helen Sanford White, Lucille Feinberg (unsure), Ester Carter, Hannah Goodale Bebee, Eunice Nugent Morell
Bottom Row
David Fienberg, Eddie Walker, Chester Wells, Norman Jones, Raymond Overton, Nick (unsure of last name), Herbert Randall, Hubert Terrell, Byron Rogers, Harry Newton, Laurence Moore, Bill Downs (unsure)

June 9, 1911

C- 1914
Teacher Mrs. Carrie Wells Carter
Left to Right
Raymond Johnson, Julius Sacks, Raymond Overton, Roland Randall, Norman Jones, Herbert Terrell, Eddie Sickles, Harold Steck Fiendberg, Mildred Thode, Ester downs, Kathleen Smith, Alice Carter, Ester Carter, Elva French, Florence Sacks, Lucille Fynberg, Marietta Rockefeller, Hanna Goodale, Eunice Nugent, Fannie Brown , Teacher- Carrie Wells Carter
Left to Right Kneeling
Ernest Jones, Bill Downs, Frank Rogers

Left to Right
George G. Dailey- Teacher, Harold Goodale, Lucille Randell, Wendell Jackson, Hazel Yost, Arthur Aldrich, Irene Howell, Norman Phillips, Milton Benjamin, Woodruff Randall, Stanley Fraser, Finberg or Brown, Midgie Down(Mildred Allison Downs), Tyler Hughes, Beatrice Terry, Malcolum Hulse, Mary Brown, Fred Smith
Taken about 1915

June 4, 1915
The school children participated in a Memorial Day Parade in Westhampton Beach.

May 2, 1919

November 14, 1919
November 11, 1919 was the first observed Armistice Day, commemorating the first anniversary of World War I ending. These school children would have been the first generation to acknowledge what we call today Veterans Day, which did not become a National Holiday until 1938.

4th Grade


This article is from the East Quogue Column in the County Review on November 20, 1930. They are talking about the school children doing a performance of "The Maid and the Golden Slipper" today we know this better by its subtitle, "Cinderella". The performance took place in the Atlantic Hall, which today is the Catholic Church.


In the School Yard
Late 1930's Early 1940's

Eleanore and Ann Carmen, middle Dorothy Randall
Old School Playground
Photo donated by Diane Wagner Yates
Fred Muhs
Clement Jenkins
John Zebrowski
Douglas Edwards
Tarry Zebraski
by the Old School Shed

Photo donated by Diane Wagner Yates
Barbara Tilton
Lois Glendenning
Old School Yard
July 21, 1939

Photo donated by Diane Wagner Yates
Neppy Carter

Photo donated by Diane Wagner Yates
School floor plan as remembered by Carol Combes


About 1953-1955

This picture shows the inside of the second grade classroom in 1954.Their teacher was Mrs. S. Doscinski and the Principle of the school was Mr. A Siegriest.
Students pictured:
Front Row Left to Right
Gene, Levitsky, Tom Centner, Marilyn Brook, Karen Schneiderback
Recond Row Left to Right
Marilyn Corwin (standing), Alan Mercuio, Lynn Skura, Ann Mendenhall, Bettina Randall
Third Row Left to Right
Karen Eng (standing), Lee Kohler, James Nagorski, Sharon Kay Federico, Graham Smtih
Fourth Row Left to Right
Paul Lukas, Leonard Knotoff, Frank Nagorski, David Terry
Original P-TA Membership Lists


Board of Education Notes