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Hello From the Home Front, 
                             Love Always, 
                                         Aunt Elsie

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New York Daily News, December 7, 1947


Aunt Elsie, Pictured Center, with The East Quogue Fire Department

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County Review, January 29, 1942

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County Review, June 18, 1942

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Spencer D. Jackson

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Harold C.  "Dinky" Jackson

East Quogues' Honor Roll

During World War II many towns put up Honor Rolls with the names of the local residents who were serving in the War.

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The honor roll that stood outside the East Quogue Methodist Church. 


Original program for the unveiling of the East Quogue Honor Roll depicting the names of the men and women from town serving in World War II



                                                 April 18, 1943


Dear Buster,


       I am sending you the program of the dedication, from the program it sounds very simple and it was - only took about 25 minutes and yet there was a dignity and feeling to it that is hard to explain.


It went off perfectly, there were no other speakers, Mr. Osgood, the Minister, conducted the whole thing, and he is that way, very quiet and reserved, but with a talent for making you really feel deeply the idea he is putting across.


Howard Jackson was the honorary parent having the most sons in the service, and he did the unveiling very well.

The firemen were all in uniform, one of them held the American Flag, and two other held the service flag which was put up later in front of the fire house.


It was a beautiful day, clear and warm, so the service was held outside in front of the Honor RollWhich is in front of the Church on the left side of the door. 



Letter describing the unveiling ceremony for the East Quogue Honor Roll.

Written by Alice Mendenhall to her husband.


Letters From Aunt Elsie

The following are the original surviving letters From 1943- 1945, she hand wrote them, then had  Klara Rogers, from 1942-1944 than Alice Mendenhall from 1944-1945 type them. They then mailed them to the servicemen and women from East Quogue, who were stationed on both fronts.
The letters tell of the happenings around East Quogue and what their friends in the service were doing and where they were. 

A picture I wanted you to see please send it back sweet to want it for my album sweet isnt
Fred and Ennice Muhs 1943
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County Review

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County Review,May 21, 1942

Harold "Dinky" Jackson
C. Reeve, Mrs. K Sanford 1943 Dec 02. p6

County Review, September 17, 1942

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Chester "Chet" Reeve
Staff Sargent US Army
R. McGuirk 1943 Dec 02. p6 County Review

County Review,December 2, 1943

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Theodore "Ted" Zogg
December 1944
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County Review

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County Review

Carleton "Bus" Mendenhal and friend. 

W. Church 1944 May 11. p4 County Review

County Review, May 11, 1944

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Photo Credit James Culver Rowe

Wedding of

Mary Culver


William Rowe


Front row (left to right)


Mary's grandmother

Mary's mother, Florence Phillips Culver

Mary's father, Frank Rogers Culver

Mary Culver

William H. Rowe

Mary's sister, Shirley Culver

Best Man, Ed Morse

Two of Mary's great aunts


Back row (left to right)


Bridesmaids - Linda Ward (cousin) and Jean Reeve (friend)

Four of Mary's cousins:

Jack Phillips


Warren Culver

Ray Phillips

S. Carter, F. Carter, R. Klug, G. Wagner

County Review September 28, 1944


Original letter for August 1944,
hand written by 
"Aunt" Elsie

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S. Carter, F. Carter, R. Klug, G. Wagner

County Review, September 28, 1944

Gus Wagner
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Raymond Carter

East Quogue, N.Y.

August, 1944


Dear Boys,


Sorry to report that word was received that S/Sgt. Robert Olhorst has been reported Killed in Action.


Have had a number of my boys home lately, and they come to see me. I saw Donald Rosenweig. He has lost some weigjht, but looks wonderful. Bob and Mary Glendenning came to call one afternoon. Bob, I'm glad to say is up and out again and really looks good. keep it up Bob. Missed seeing Abe Sacks when he was home, sorry Abe hope to see you next furlough. Ray Carter, wife and son James, called on me. You should see the proud papa, he can well be proud, for little Jimmy is a swell boy. Harry Culver was home, and he is now down in Camp Breckenridge, KY. Mike Knotoff and John McCormack are both headed fr somewhere overseas. Good Luck to my boys, and come home soon.


The Ladies Aide had a Fair august 11th at the hall, They cleared over $100. Alfred Vrooman has again come forward to help out church with a donation to the Ladies Aide which helped clear up all our bills, thanks to Alfred. The Fireman's Block Party was held August 18 & 19th. It was a big success and they cleared a lot of money.


Congratulations to T/Sgt. Bob McGuirk. He has received a commendation for work done during the Cherbourg Campaign, signed by the Major general of the U.S. Army J. Lauton Collins.


I hear Marguerite Carter has been on a rest furlough to the Isle of Capri. From her description it is the most beautiful spot one could pick for a rest.


Had a letter from Forrest Carter and he writes that he is now with the paratroppers and likes it. Good Luck Forrie. Bill Church was home on leave, but I didn't see him. Jack Philips is training at Sampson, New York- Good Luck Jack, Hope you like the Navy. Heard from Palmer Smith from the Marshall Islands and he is fine. I hear Kenny Carter is down that way too. Joe Federico is somewhere in the Pacific. Gordon Glendenning is happy for his wife, Grace is spending a month down in Oklahoma with him.


Some of the boys from the 137th AA that were stationed in Quogue are now somewhere in England, (Dot Sacks's husband among them) They got a real surprise a visit from Voneta Christman Jennett. She drove up in a  "Jeep" and were the boys glad to see her, they say she was a sight for sore eyes. It's a small world after all, isn't it?


"Jake" or Olive Fuller was inducted into the Waves on August 24th at Hunter College, New York.


Have to get busy and have wings built on our Honer Roll for there are a number of names to be added to it.


Corabelle Suntaro is now stationed at the U.S. Navel Hospital at San Diego Cal. Saw a picture of her in her uniform ans she surely looks nice. Had a letter from her and they are very busy out there.


Irene Carter Gordon had a baby son on Tuesday August 22. Congratulations to Irene and Bill.


Letters from William Wright, Palmer Smith, Donald Rosenzweig, Bob Hallock and Major McKeige. George Knotoff was home on furlough and Teddy Stozel.


The Young peoples group are giving a play Fri. and Sat. September 1 & 2.


Had a letter from Corty Aldrich and his is in England, he said he has heard from Doug Edwards several times. I hear Chet Reeve is now in Burma and having a tough time with bugs etc. It won't be long, Chet you will be home again.


In tribute to Robert Olhorst-- Rev. McCloskey


Often times when we write memorials for friends who have departed we say many things that are more sentimental than they are constructive and useful. But let us say concerning Bobby Olhorst, it was great to know a person who willingly sacrificed his life to a great task.


But words are poor memorials, especially when the task is unfinished . We might better do him homage by living in  a fashion that would be worthy of his memory and his sacrifice. May we give all our living to the unfinished task of making life a real and beautiful thing. It was President Lincoln, speaking at Gettysburg who said: "It is for us the living to be dedicated to the unfinished task..." 



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S. Carter, F. Carter, R. Klug, G. Wagner

County Review September 28, 1944

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September 1944


Dear Boys:


Most of the girls have gone back to college and Westhampton Beach High school and our local school have opened. Jean Reeve has gone to Montrose, N.Y. to teach this year. Good Luck to Jean in her new school. Mary Culver Rowe is back teaching in Babylon for another year. She and Bill have an apartment in Freeport.


Had a visitor the other day- John Jackson. he was in town for a few days, he looks good and guess what, John has a girl friend, Helen, and he's going up to Mass. to see her, not bad looking for I saw her picture, might be romance starting, Good Luck John.


Bob Hallock is home. He and John were on the same train from Washington and didn't know it until they got to New York.


Barbara Tilton has entered Brooklyn Hospital as a Cadet Nurse. Jake Fuller likes being a Wave and is doing O.K. she was home Sunday, September 24 and looks swell in her uniform.


Tessie Sikorskis husband, Clement Ludaker, arrived safely somewhere in England, Good Luck to Luke.


Congratulations are in order for promotions to Sgt. Abe Sacks, Cpl John Jackson and Sgt. Harold Bieniewicz.


In a letter from Stanley Karpinski he writes that he is now on Guam and was in the Guam Campaign and is feeling fine.


Betty Santon got married August 27th to Robert Liedeman at Locust N.J. Congratulations to the Newlyweds.


Bob Glendenning is going back to Port Lavaca, Texas in the near future. I hear that Bob Cornwell has his Captains papers and is waiting to ship. he is out in San Francisco now and his wife is out there with him.


Forest Carter and his mother arrived in town on September 12th. Of course he came to see me and did he look nice that Paratrooper Carter. The only one in that outfit from East Quogue. He has finished his four week jump training and has made five jumps, the last at night, and now has won the right to wear the "wings and boots" of the US Army Paratroops. Congratulations and good luck to Forrie. Of course you know he has a girl, Florence Kuroski, from Quogue, and she is home now too-- what a time they will have on his furlough.


Grace Foster formerly Grace Jones received a telegram from the War Department that her husband Benjamin Foster was killed in action in France August 16.


Thursday, Sept. 14th we have another Hurricane. It started about 5:15pm and lasted until past midnight. No damage around here except several trees blew down. The people on the beach were warned in the morning to get off so there were no lives lost. It wasn't as bad as the last one, but seemed bad enough while it lasted, being at night it seemed worse. The lights were off for a few days and several telephone wires were broken. My phone was out and poor me without a phone is just to bad.


Had word that Cora Sunetaro HH 1/c (equal in Cpl.) has graduated with high honors at the U.S. Navel Hospital, San Diego, Cal. Congratulations to Cora from her home folks, keep up your good work, we are so proud of you.



Had a card from <Bob> Glendenning from Norman, Okla. He graduated in Nov. and hopes to get home on leave. Marguerette Carter is now somewhere in France. Jack Philips is one of six honor men of his company (the 547th) which is the honor company at Sampson Naval Training Station. Congratulations Jack. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Jack so I am told.


Roger Klug is home on seven day furlough and expects to go overseas soon. Harold Bieniewicz is home also. Harold and Roger came to see  me one evening. Roger has gotten himself a girl, Anne, from Linden, N.J. and she is pretty, not engaged as yet, but it looks serious. 


Sorry to hear Capt. Edward Carter isn't feeling good. he is in a rest home somewhere in Florida. get better fast Ed, maybe you need some East Quogue air.


John McCormack is somewhere in India. Peggy Jenkins McKennett's husband has gone overseas. Good Luck Doug. Buddy Jenkins is back in the states. he sure gets around.


Joe Federico is somewhere in the Pacific.


Better sign off for this month.



Aunt Elsie



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East Quogue, N.Y.
October 1944

Dear Boys;

Big events to report this mont: first of all Congratulations are in order to Jack Phillips. he was married to Mary Testani on September 26th. He is on leave just now and is in town with his bride. Good Luck Mary and Jack.

Frank Culver is now Commander Culver. he left the first part of Oct. for overseas duty. Congratulations Frank and we will be glad to welcome you back home.

Chaplain C.F. Yohe is now somewhere in France. Bob McGuirk is somewhere in Germany. Doug Edwards, Corty Aldrich and Lloyd White are all somewhere in France. Kenny Carter and Palmer Smith are in the Marshall Islands, and they met each other at last of October 10th. Palmer has seen Vince Warner's brother from Hampton Bays also.

Jake Fuller is in Stillwater, Okla. going to Yeomen's Business School and likes it.

Gus Wagner has joined the Navy and will be leaving soon for duty.

Sorry last months letter was late, but your Aunt Elsie was away for a weeks needed rest. I was up to Montrose, N.Y., and it is beautiful up there. Hope to go up again this winter.

Marie Edwards Gordon is happy for her husband was home on an 18 day leave. They were up to see me. It was the first I'd met George. It was his first leave since there were married last March.

Bus Smith was home on furlough and has gained weight. Only saw him once down at Dave's Gas Station.

Letters from Chaplain Yohe, Lloyd White, Stanley & Frank Karpinski, Bob McGuirk, Spencer Jackson, Joe Federico, John Jackson and Fred Muhs.

Marguerite Carter is in France. Her address is Lt. Marguerite Carter N/ 742063, 9th Evacuation Hospital, APO758 C/o Postmaster New York, N.Y.

Joe Federico met John Tiernan of Riverhead and had a three hour visit with him. Said it was wonderful meeting someone you knew back home.

Abe Sacks and wife have been home, first spent some time in Florida and then stopped off here on their way to Providence, R.I.

Chaplain Harold McGee is somewhere in New Hebrides. Please write, Harold and good luck to you. Donald McKennett is somewhere in New Guinea, his brother-in-law- Cliff Jenkins, is in Pensacola, Fla. Ted Squires and Clrlisle Christman meet quite often. Ted is hoping for leave by Christmas.

The Fireman's Dinner-Dance was held at the Ambassadore Inn on Saturday, October 14th. Everyone enjoyed themselves. One Party at the dinner was George Harling whose wife was away, But George was there with a lady in red. Who was the lady in red? I know, you guess and I'll tell you next month.

Fred Muhs has been in a hospital overseas again. Hope by now he is out and better. Had a nice letter and pictures of himself and his son.

Corabelle Sunataro is now pharmacists mate. She is going up that "ladder of Success" fast Congratulations Corabelle and keep up the good work.

Chet Reeve is somewhere in Northern Burma. Cheer up Chet it wont be long now, and you will be home. Don't stop off first down Kentucky way, we want to see you first.

Frank and Stanley Karpinski want to say hello to all the fellows from home. They are both in the South Pacific and doing a good job. Joe Federico also said to say "Hello Fellows".

Donald Rosenzweig has or will be going overseas soon. Good Luck Donald.

Had a card from Dinky Jackson. he has been in Marseille, France. He is getting around O.K. he is now Crew Chief on a plane, S/Sgt. now too, he is doing things. Congratulations Dinky.

John Culver broke his arm playing football for dear old Westhampton Beach High School. Sorry Johnnie.

Raymond Phillips is now "Ensign Phillips". Congratulations Ray.

Happy Birthday to Harry Culver, October 30, I know for it is Jim's also.

Write Boys!

Aunt Elsie


East Quogue L.I

November 1944


Dear Boys,


Ted Squires was lucky and got home, hopes to have a 30 day leave. Isn't that swell?


Gordon Glendenning has his wife and daughter down in Oklahoma with him. Glad some of my boys are able to have their families near them, only wish they all could.


Remember the Kavan boys (they used to live in East Quogue) Buddy is now S/Sgt. Somewhere in Blegium, Bruce is at Camp Crost, South Carolina and Bobby at Camp Blanding, FLA. Their Uncle, Kenneth Carter is somewhere in the Marshall Islands near Palmer Smith who is now in Hawaii.


Had a letter from Chester Reeve. His APO 218 is the same as John McCormacks. Do hope they meet up with each other.



Chet is ok and said to say "Hello Fellows".

Bob Glendenning has received an honorable discharge from the service and is home again. Has to take it easy for a while, bet Mary will see that he does.

Paratrooper Forrie got home for a weekend, you know everyone was glad to see him, especially Florence Kuroski. Ain't love grand? He expects to go ever seas shortly. His address is Infantry Parachute Co. D 1st Platoon.

Gus Wagner went into the Navy Nov. 2nd. He is at Sampson, N.Y. for his boot training. Good Luck Gus.

Had a letter from Jake Fuller, she likes it down in Oklahoma, but still has a soft spot in her heart for dear old East Quogue. Her address is Olive Fuller S 2/c N.T.S. (YW) Willard Hall Sec. 605 Room 226, Oklahoma A & M College, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

John Tiernan is back in the states after 18 months and is on his way home for a 30 day leave/ He and Joe Federico met out in the South Pacific last month.

Louis Carter has been home for three weeks, bet Lucille Cardo was glad as well as his mother. He went back Sat. Nov. 25th.

Who was the "Lady in Red?" None other than Rosemary Fuller Squires, and she did have a swell time as guest of George Harling at the Firemen's Dinner & Dance. Bet non of you guessed who it was.

Roger Klug, Donald Rossenzweig and Harold Bieniewicz have gone overseas. Good Luck Boys.

Arthur Jackson and Elmer Carter, Jr. had an accident, their car turned over no on was hurt, only a few scares. Lucky Boys. 

Kenny Carter would like to hear from the fellows; his address is : Kenneth A. Carter 3rd Engineer Batt. 3rd marine Div. C/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco Cal.

Had a letter from Ted Thode- still in England. Doug Edwards is in Belguim has been sick, but is ok now. Freddie Muhs is still in the hospital somewhere in Scotland. Get out of there soon Fred. In a recent letter from Bob McGuirk he is somewhere in Germany his company received another commendation. keep up the good work Bob and Congratulations.

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had a Christmas card from one of th boys (Harry Ruhl) from the 505 that was at Wrights Field last winter, he is now in Hawaii.


Had a surprise visitor Nov. 14 Ned Downs (Merchant Marine) just back from Italy, stopped in to see me and I was surely glad to se him.


Billy Wright is now at Mitchell Field and is with the medical Corp now. Came in to see me one weekend.


The firemen have asked me to have you fellows send a snapshot of yourself in uniform to arden Reeve (Secretary) to have in a frame in the fire house. Please send them boys as soon as you can.


Sorry to report the death of Mrs. Josephine Jayne on Nov. 21st.


Hope all my boys wherever they were had a good thanksgiving dinner.


Donald Jackson is on a one week vacation from his duties as Fireman at the airport. He is seeing the big town and doing tings up in grand style, celebrated his 21st birthday on November 26th, Congratulations Donnie.


Marie Edwards Gordon has a baby daughter born Sat. Nov. 25th. Congratulations to George and Marie.

Was happy to get a Christmas greeting to-day from Marguerite Carter. Thanks and don't forget the letter you promised. 


Guess I'll have to wish you all a Merry Christmas in this November letter, God Bless and be with all my family wherever you may be.   



Aunt Elsie

George William Gordon
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County Review

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The following addresses were found with the letters, they are included here in hopes they may help families doing research.

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John McCormack & Ann Tomlinson
November 5, 1941
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Researched by

Carol Combes

Sarah Mendenhall Luhmer

Michael Poerio


Newspaper clippings

New York Historic Newspapers

Photographs and letters are from:
East Quogue Historical Society Archives
Thomas H. Mendenhall Memorial Archive
Carol Combes

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